Posted in after eight, alice, arhivăreala, art, aşa cum a fost, black and white, brain, cinematic, city, clocks, clădiri, foto, fotografie, gallery, heart, jpg, jurnal, krasavita, life, light, lost, memories, moment, money for nothing, monochrome, my movie, night, people, photo, photography, pulse, romania, story, summer, then and now, think about, this is the noise that keeps me awake, thru the lens, urban

azilul de noapte

C O P Y R I G H T © A L I C E D R O G O R E A N U 2010

2 thoughts on “azilul de noapte

  1. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^l |^^^^^^^^^^|
    ( ♥#### Nouvelle année 2011 ####”’♥ |”””;..,___.
    |……_______=====_| l______________l _|__|…, ]|
    “(@)’(@)””””””””'””*l'(@)l'(@)l “””””””””(@)'(@)””””‘(@) bisous

    la mulţi ani!


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