Posted in alice drogoreanu, angst, any colors you like, arhivăreala, art, atrium, aşa cum a fost, brain, bucuresti, city, clocks, concert, empatia e un borcan cu murături, foto, fotografie, heart, imagini, joshua tree, jpg, krasavita, moment, money for nothing, obsesii, photography, picture, red, romania, snow, think about, this is the noise that keeps me awake, thru the lens, urban, winter

la început melodia/ pe urmă dorinţa

titlu: marius-iulian stancu
din albumul : empatia e un borcan cu murături

C O P Y R I G H T © A L I C E D R O G O R E A N U 2011

Posted in afternoon, agonie şi extaz, alice, any colors you like, arhivăreala, art, aşa cum a fost, black and white, brain, cinematic, city, clocks, cultura, faith, foto, fotografie, gallery, heart, imagini, jpg, krasavita, life, literatura, memories, moment, monochrome, people, photo, photography, povestiri din sevastopol, pulse, story, the sign, then and now, think about, this is the noise that keeps me awake, thru the lens, urban, winter

Истории из Севастополя

C O P Y R I G H T © A L I C E D R O G O R E A N U 2011

Posted in agonie şi extaz, alice, arhivăreala, art, aşa cum a fost, backstage, black and white, brain, cinematic, circle, crush, faith, foto, fotografie, gallery, heart, jpg, jurnal, kashmir, life, light, magic, memories, moment, monochrome, my movie, obsesii, photo, photography, poze, romania, secrets, story, tg-mureş, the sign, then and now, think about, this is the noise that keeps me awake, thru the lens, winter

my camera never lies

C O P Y R I G H T © A L I C E D R O G O R E A N U 2010